I suppose the first thing I should do is introduce myself because if you read my blog start to finish, we're going to spend a lot of time together. I mean a freakin' lot of time. After all, I'm dedicating the next six months to doing something that people are just not meant to do. That is, I am going to run a marathon. 26 miles and 385 yards, 42.195 kilometers, 1661220 inches, and 42,194,988,000 micrometers. You get it, I can use Google to figure out how far a marathon is. If you are looking for inspirational wisdom, please leave.I'm not here to write Chicken Soup for the Runner's Soul. I am here to document the misery, trials, and tribulations that I will endure in trying to accomplish my goal of completing my first marathon in under three and a half hours.
I would to apologize for my rudeness in not introducing myself. I figure if you made it this far, you actually care who I am. First of all, don't worry about my name, I have judgmental friends who I don't want reading this blog and seeing how much I hate training. Second I am a college-age male with a larger, athletic build. I've played team, contact sports at a fairly competitive level from elementary school through high school. I'm 6'1" and about 195 pounds. When I started college, I kept a pretty active lifestyle mixed with poor eating habits, and I've maintained that pretty much until now. So I'm by no means a natural runner, but I'm also not looking for a success story endorsement from Subway here.
The idea for running a marathon came from a few buddies and I who realized that we wanted a challenge that we could be proud of completing. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud that I manage to make it to class on Mondays despite a weekend of abuse on my body thanks to cheap alcohol and bad ideas, but I want something that I can truly push myself through.
So the details are as follows:
-Race is on October 27th, 2013.
-It's the Marine Corps Marathon if you couldn't figure that out.
-I started training, aka running more than the distance from my room to my car in early March.
-I train at over 7,000 feet altitude because, well, that's where I live right now.
I guess it was unnecessary to make a list that was four items long, but who cares, I'm not getting paid to do this, ya corncobs.
My goals for this blog are to record every aspect of my training. I will record how I feel about it, what music gets me through, what gear I'm using, what works and what doesn't work. Keep in mind, I'm consulting absolutely no professionals whatsoever in this and the only science and testing I'm using to get me through my training is based on what I find on the great abyss known as the internet. Please enjoy my musings, or don't, I really don't care, the folks at the Marine Corps Marathon already have my money.
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